The Facilities Management department at London Health Sciences Centre needed to improve its public profile at the hospital, and one strategy was to produce a Year in Review report to deliver key messages and showcase good work. I wrote the content, took many of the photos, and designed the document for the 16-page report. Content [...]
The Facilities Management department at London Health Sciences Centre needed to improve its profile within the hospital's culture. The internal website I developed served to increase transparency and communication, while showcasing the good work done by the department. I was responsible for writing, photography, and management of the intranet site. A working group arrived at [...]
While at the Facilities Management department at London Health Sciences Centre, I was responsible for developing the graphical content for the touchscreen wayfinding features, including maps, buttons, and backgrounds, working primarily with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Special care to be taken with planning and exporting the map graphics so that future edits to the maps [...]
For a visit to the windy city, I enjoyed shooting the remarkable architecture in the city. Some of the shots were from a guided riverboat tour, and some of them make use of HDR (high dynamic range) photography. For some of these shots, I tried to showcase the contrasts between the colours and textures of the [...]
While on a family weekend getaway in Collingwood to celebrate the beginning of the summer, I awoke at 4:30 am to capture the sunrise over Georgian Bay. From seven people, only my wife and nephew joined me for the early shoot. Not sure about them, but for me, it was totally worth it.
I knew some people participating in the annual colour run, which looked like so much fun I decided to join them for 2016, despite having no interest in running. I only packed my zoom lens, to get close as possible to the runners, and stay as far away as possible from the explosions of coloured [...]
For my third time experiencing the short-lived beauty of the Cherry Blossoms, I had camera in toe once again. The first time was a dawn-time photoshoot, and the second time I decided to focus on the people. This time, I used a neutral density filter to increase shutter times dramatically. This gave some of the [...]
The annual Zombiewalk in Toronto is an amazing event for photographers. In no other public situation are so many people willing and eager to have their photos taken. I'm always impressed with the creativity these zombies put into their costumes, everything from subversively comical to classy to terrifying. [...]
In addition to co-creating, co-producing, and co-hosting the weekly program Song Talk Radio, I also designed the show's logo and business card, and co-designed the website and monthly electronic newsletter. Song Talk Radio is a very safe space for me, and at times, a great venue for me to express my creative side in clever [...]