• 10 albums covers that changed my taste in music

    Recently, many of my friends on Facebook were "given the task to choose ten albums that have influenced my taste in music. One album per day for 10 consecutive days. No explanations, no reviews, just album covers." I did my part, because I like to contribute to society and make the world a better [...]

  • Neil Peart playing the drums

    I first discovered Rush towards the end of high school, after borrowing a tape of Presto from the public library on a whim. I expected to hear heavy metal that I wasn't fond of, but instead I was pleasantly surprised to hear a fusion of rock, jazz, progressive, and extraordinarily well composed and performed music; [...]

  • Neel walking with the Beatles across Abbey Road

    I was intrigued by the premise of the movie Yesterday; an English singer-songwriter who finds he's the only one in the world who remembers the Beatles music after a freak accident. This is a unique idea and relatively refreshing after a barrage of mediocre musical hero bio-pics in recent memory. Watching the movie, I often [...]

  • siting at piano with blank paper

    Sometimes, the hardest part of the songwriting process is getting started. Once I’ve got an idea, I can hash out lyrics and music fairly easily. Getting past songwriter’s block usually involves coming up with a title and a hook to the song (Thank you, Nashville). More often than not, I’ll get blocked by wanting to [...]

  • The question of the perfect fifth has been simmering in my mind for some time now. It started when we started investigating chord substitutions on Song Talk Radio in 2016. For that show, I looked at the Circle of Fifths as a great tool for making chord choices when writing a song. The Circle of [...]

  • great albums

    According to my wife, I’m a music snob. It’s true that I know what I like and don’t feel shy about expressing it and even citing the reasons why. But I’m not about to tell anyone else their taste in music is wrong. I just happened to think my taste in music is great. So, in [...]

  • Movember selfies Days 1-6

    I’m a creative and intellectual guy first and foremost. I’d much rather be writing songs, playing piano, reading, watching great movies, and learning new things than going for a jog or doing a workout. I feel like this is hard wired in me, so I have to hack my way to engaging in physical activity. [...]

  • Movember Days 7-12

    Mental health and taking care of your emotions is so essential to everyone. It’s a great feeling to learn about yourself to the point of knowing the things that work for you and give you joy. I’m still on my journey, and have a long way to go, but here are a few things I’ve learned so [...]

  • Movember Days 19-24

    Sometimes I have an easier time around women than men. I’d rather talk music, philosophy and health than sports, cars, or tools. Of course, these are just stereotypical interests of the genders, based on conventional views of gender identity. I like to think I’m neither stereotypical nor conventional in my thinking. I’ve been told, only [...]