Through co-hosting the Songwriter’s Meetup and Song Talk Radio, I get to meet many singer-songwriters in and around Toronto. Some of them have written original Christmas songs, including Carmen Toth’s This Christmas I’m Giving You Love and Melanie Peterson’s Santa’s Sleigh. Themes of peace and love tend to come up, as is typical of many holiday songs.
Of course, I try to be different. So, I wrote a song embracing consumerism and throwing playful jabs at the status quo of creative types. This is not to say I find typical holiday themes trite or tedious, but I do commend singer-songwriters who put their own special twist on these themes. In fact, it’s a tricky business writing a good original holiday song instead of playing cover versions of well established songs. Carmen and Melanie have done a great job with songs and performances that are sweet, thoughtful, and festive. It’s clear to me that I was inspired by these singer-songwriters to write this song.
Writing and recording the song
I wrote the lyrics over my lunch break one day, and the piano part after work. I did a quick demo recording and presented the song at the December Songwriter’s Meetup. A main critique of my song was that the holiday aspect wasn’t clear until the end of the chorus. I took the suggestions and revised the first verse lyrics, and wrote a new holiday-esque musical introduction with glockenspiel section. I also took a more deliberate approach to my melody, thanks to some suggestions from my singer-songwriter friend Melanie Peterson.
I recorded a final version, and then set to work creating a video. I spent about two hours at the Toronto Eaton Centre, listening to my recording on repeat and shooting footage of shoppers, interesting sale signage, and the latest big-screen TV’s at Best Buy.
During a Beige Shelter rehearsal, I asked our bassist Tom Kuczynski to record me playing the keyboard and singing the song. Tom’s also a talented photographer and videographer. I then edited together a quick video.
All in all, this was a quick and fun writing and recording process, with a push to get it done before Christmas. It’s amazing what you can pull off when you have a hard deadline to meet.
Your new greeting card
Peace and love for the holidays
I say good fortune for all
And dollars to spend on salesYou wrote that song
The evils of materialism
Give away half your guitars
To the needy and poor musiciansYou know what
I like my stuff
Makes my life easy
You know what
It’s never enough
Holiday shopping spreeAlways preaching moderation
Credit cards gotta stay at home
Support your local economy
Don’t be a consumer droneYou know what
I like my stuff
Makes my life easy
You know what
It’s never enough
Holiday shopping spreeGet what you want
Not what you need
You’d better like
What you got!I only wanna spend
Christmas with you
Binge watching on Netflix
On my brand new
75-inch, L.E.D., 4K HD, and 3D
Smart TV with 1000 watt, 5.1 surround soundYou know what
I like my stuff
Makes my life easy
You know what
It’s never enough
Holiday shopping spree
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[…] I had a great time being interviewed for a youTube channel in Toronto last week. I got to chat with hosts Hugh and Yaz on a show called Liquid Lunch about my songwriting, Song Talk Radio, Beige Shelter, this blog, photography, and my Meetup groups. They also played the video for my song, Holiday Shopping Spree. […]
[…] holiday shopping (that I know of). I decided to correct this imbalance, and wrote a song called Holiday Shopping Spree. I talked about the reasons why during an interview with […]