• siting at piano with blank paper

    Sometimes, the hardest part of the songwriting process is getting started. Once I’ve got an idea, I can hash out lyrics and music fairly easily. Getting past songwriter’s block usually involves coming up with a title and a hook to the song (Thank you, Nashville). More often than not, I’ll get blocked by wanting to [...]

  • "Love will triumph" written in chalk on Yonge Street

    One year ago, a van mounted the sidewalk in North York on a sunny spring day and plowed through over 25 people, killing 10. The driver was quickly arrested, and the community came together in solidarity to express our collective grief over the incident. During the van attack, I was working from home with a [...]

  • This is the fourth year in a row that I’ve written an original holiday song. Previously, the songs were funny or cynical, or took a stab at conventional holiday sentiments like peace and love. Immediately after finishing last year’s song (perhaps the most scathing holiday song of the three) I decided to write my next [...]

  • queen and two knights on chessboard

    This song is a test case for the distance between an initial idea for a song and its execution. Through two completely different drafts, the idea remained the same, but the execution and treatment went on a twisted journey. A bad first draft The original idea was to write a song about the pervasive vocabulary [...]

  • I worked closely with electro-pop / dance songwriter Dokter Nomi for another catchy and cool track. Nomi sent me a scratch vocal sung to a beat. I expanded his melody to make it, well, more melodic, and laid down a chord progression on the piano to carry it. While Nomi’s melody suggested a clear I [...]

  • All I Want for Christmas single cover

    I’ve written and recorded a Christmas song for three years in a row – I feel like I’m on a roll. This year, I didn’t have an idea for a new song until I fired up Spotify one day and saw their new Holiday playlists. Front and centre was the 1994 Mariah Carey hit, All [...]

  • Following news of sexual misconduct allegations against Hollywood heavyweight Harvey Weinstein, many of my female friends posted “#MeToo” on social media. Some of them even shared their own harrowing stories of sexual assault. Their courage and vulnerability really got to me. It’s one thing to hear about famous people who live a world away, but [...]

  • Bruce, Hema, Neel, Frank, and Phil

    This week, I had the privilege of once again being the guest on Song Talk Radio, where I talked about my current songwriting and recording project of progressive electro-pop songs. For this project, I'm abiding by three self-imposed creative parameters: I'm not allowed to use the 4/4 time signature All my lyrics are stream of consciousness, [...]

  • Neel, Carole, Layla, and Bruce

    In September, I hosted a new event at my Meetup group, The Songwriting Supermarket. I invited members to get together and collaborate on writing a song in two hours. Three other talented songwriters showed up, and we had a blast writing and recording a new song, Don’t Fix Me. Before the session, I [...]