• Jellyfish Interrupted band photo, L to R: Neel, Nabil, Sherry, and Paul

    I first met Paul Vos at the Song Talk Meetup, and always dug his approach to writing funky songs with catchy hooks, complex rhythms, and interesting lyrics. Soon afterwards, Paul began collaborating with Sherry Jacoby, another regular member (and now co-host) of the meetup and a fine singer-songwriter in her own right. They recorded several [...]

  • I got to play drums for another Song Talk Radio Backup Band jam session, this time with the show's co-host Bruce Harrott and his catchy feel-good song I Could Do Anything.  We had co-host Phil Emery on bass, and Eric Sorenson and Braeden Mitchell on guitars and backup vocals. We practiced and developed our individual parts [...]

  • The Song Talk Radio Backup Band, consisting of Phil Emery on bass, Bruce Harrott on acoustic guitar, and myself on drums, along with Eric Sorenson on guitar, and Alon Rodovinsky on guitar and backup vocals, accompanied Janice Ho on her soulful song, Dance Without Judgement, in an energetic arrangement. I got to channel my inner [...]

  • Last Sunday, myself with my partners from Song Talk Radio, guitarist and singer Alon Rodovinski, got together to jam on Ana Morales' beautiful song, Lullaby. Ana presented the song on an episode of Song Talk Radio in January, and we decided to record a jam of the song. Phil and Bruce took on bass and [...]